Summer holiday has started about a week ago, and the strangest thing is, the feeling of freedom was not as over-whelming as how I remembered it had been like. I started to reminisce the first few days of stepping onto the ground of this island as a student. It’d be rather cliché to say that felt like yesterday. But, truth is, I often caught myself running out of breath trying to pace up to what I’m expected to.
Sometimes, when I thought I have changed, for better or for the worse, I’d fumble into something or someone and realize, hey, I’m not that different after all! I have been that much of a person probably since birth, just that then I was less self conscious and was much more spared when I was a child.
Today’s plan did not work out like what it was supposed to, and changed to a movie called ‘Tabei: Our Mother’. It’s a story about how a mother has endured hardships during world war when her husband was sent to detention and has later died. It struck me how obediently people were expected to act during the time. Girls were to act so reserved that they walked in small steps, talked softly, avoided eye contacts and worse, constantly sat on their folded legs? It caught me thinking, didn’t any of them feel tired at all? Then there was this kind soul, the husband’s student, who had taken great care of the family while he was gone. I never thought much of his intention, until M whispered to my ears, why is this guy so nice to the family? Then when I finally figured they probably have feelings for each other, the movie ended with the mother breathing the last breath wishing she could meet her husband one last time.
There are always times when I reflect upon different relationships (friendships, family, love) that I have had. I remember being whelmed by lyrics like ‘love is just a feeling’ or lines like ‘people always leave’ and then took pride in understanding what it meant while disregarding them as overrated emotional propaganda that people exaggerated. As time goes by, as stupid as it sounds, I began to fear the loss, the feelings of abandonment, the broken heart, the disappointments, the failure that come either from or to me. Tell me, if soul mate exists, how would anyone survive if his or her such thing called soul mate dies?
‘I don’t want to meet him in another world. I want to meet him one last time in this world..