Wednesday, September 15, 2010

been so long...

wooots! I'm back to the virtual world again. familiar much? haha..yes i stole that from taz la....

anyways i think i have a major update to do..

1. work hasn't been very exciting, and... nope shouldn't talk about work here.. zz

2. I am an official graduate :D:D

3. I went back to Ipoh last week, and it makes me realize how much i miss home and how much i love being fussed over by my parents:)

4. I got myself a new pair of specs. LOL! no kidding. my mom says: eat until so old then only become short sighted.

5. I spent more than 10% of my monthly pay on medical bills this month FML

6. I'll be on MC tomorrow and yes, am i glad that i got flu viral. :D

7. been procrastinating on my studies SO MUCH!

ok.. so this is it. every time i stop blogging for a while, my ability to write deteriorate. I can't make complete and cohesive sentence anymore.

hmmm.. do u wanna see me with my specs?

maybe next time heh!