Tuesday, September 29, 2009

how did i end up getting that shoes that's 2 sizes bigger?

Beats the shit outta me.


Norven said...

the shoes nice or not? send me a picture, i buy from u la if i like... what size is it btw?

enomis said...

running shoes.. haha u want ar? but i think your feet is same size as mine also.. zzz

Norven said...

what.. u mean u went with M that day, still got it 2 sizes bigger?? how come?? if it's not too exp i don mind

ps. i think mine are maybe 1 size bigger than yours

Anonymous said...

wa....simone buy running shoes????

simone and running shoes?????


enomis said...

ahah what what tazzy! i'm a healthy person leading a healthy lifestyle okkkk :)

anyways nor the shoes are 70+ bucks if you're interested. it's asics (however u spell it) it;s quite cheap if not for its size zzzzzzzzz