Thursday, April 7, 2022

 "all you did is talk and talk and talk! enough is enough! do you want to close the deal or not?" the man at the other end of the line was throwing a fit. everyone was a little taken aback. i gave out a little chuckle, partly amused, partly looking forward to how my boss was going to handle this man. handled he did. composed and calm. situation was defused and everyone ended the call blaming (jokingly) the lawyers for being overly diligent. here's this man-- my new boss whom i come to admire. always respectful, friendly, soft spoken with a certain quiet confidence. mind you, that's very different from where i came from where testosterones is always raging.  but my new work place seems different. at first i think they do not look the part, not the personalities that you would typically see in the industry. but without the suave pretense, the go-getting attitude is probably what gets them to where they are today. it's interesting to see two polar opposites complement each other in leading the work place. one idealist grand planner and the other, grounded executor. both have complete trust in each other. it also does not seem like there is a separation of work from play and they seem to spend all their time together. i wonder if it's due to my age lol, i am still adjusting to the new place after almost quitting in the first months but i'm glad i stayed. work is starting to get enjoyable again. :)

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