Friday, April 18, 2008


i'm truly enchanted.. i just watched it from the internet.. and man.. to think i refused to watch it in cinema last time cos it was just too kiddish.. in case you don't already know.. i'm one of those obnoxious i-dun-believe-in-fairy-tale-cos-it's-bullshit persons.. LOL

the story is about a princess from the fairy tale who suddenly fell into the reality.. the story reminds people how simple things could be.. it is such a big contrast between what we believe as a little kid and now as an adult. it sets us thinking, since when we don't believe in happily ever after?

in the fairy tale, the word angry doesn't exist, so does the word divorce...cockroaches,rats, chipmunks, birds are men's best friends..they help to do house chores.. princesses can cut the curtain or the carpet to make the dresses they wan to wear each morning.. and the birds and chipmunks would come and help them.. and when they're out from shower, birds will come wrap the towel around them.

why does the world have to be so complicated??????

'but it doesn't have to be!'

how does she know you love her
how does she know she's yours
how do you show her you love her
You've got to show her you need her
Don't treat her like a mind reader
Each day do something to need her
To believe you love her

I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss
And a prince, I'm hoping, comes with this
That's what brings ever-aftering so happy
That's the reason we need lips so much
For lips are the only things that touch
So to spend a life of endless bliss
Just find who you love through true love's kiss

aaahh.. i wan to go to andalasia!

omg..i jus used pink fonts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

QUAN:Since Andalasia is part of the munmunland..u can always play a visit there wut..without u ever noticed, u spend abt 7 to 8 hours everyday in munmunland...wuahaha