Sunday, October 5, 2008

looks who's back

wow.. i really didn't realise it's been one whole month since i last updated this blog.. hahahhaa... hmm.. for starters.. oh wait.. how?

ok.. 10 top most interesting things i do this past month:

okok..... i must have done something..let's start from the most recent..
1. i went out with an ex-colleague who is almost a stranger to me.. today.. haha..
2. went to ladies night at 9pm for the first time.. and left at 10 sth cos it was just too boring..
3. been practising on heavy eye makeup but often ended up looking like a zombie. cos i have a face tht produces enough oil to deep fry an egg.
4. i've been practising this new weight losing regime that Q intro to me. mental strength. think slim... i have slim legs i have sexy legs!
5. i stopped bitching about this apple guy, and naturally he stop haunting me.
6. i've been spending too much time alone.
7. i've been spending too much money too.. and i got fired from one of the tuition assignment. LOL!
8. someone told me i'm cold and i don't feel enough.
9. i go to classes
10. i watched alot of dramas
11. i give love advices to ppl ''' well.. i must say.. i'm quite good in encouraging ppl to confess their love.. hahaha... guys are just so cute when they are in love..
12. i went home
13. i attended a project meeting until 12am
14. i drink less alcohol
15. i really should be doing my QM essay
16. i should stop
17. i miss blogging in munmunland
18. ..

i actually did have things happen to me.

well.. i wonder what would happen to me if i dun hand in my QM essay.. i mean.. ppl gotta take risks sometimes right?

such a loser -_-

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