Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tests tests tests

Cap M test is coming in 6 hours? It's been such pain to listen to the webcast with the speaker speaking with a high pitch voice and a painfully slow pace. The contents sounded eerily common sense, but experience told me, the actual underlying facts from the lecture are really out of my league. I want to say I regretted taking this painful module, and I know someone who's reading this must be snickering evilly now, just the same like most of the time when I do not 'heed' his advice. Irritating.

School along with the stress has taken its toll on me. I've been coughing my lungs out for the past few days and it won't get any better anytime soon because I refuse to take the medicine as I need to stay awake to pull through this week. Sometimes, emotion gets the best of me and I would start mellowing and feel horribly sorry for myself for every littlest thing in life. It was last week, or the week before and the one before, in the midst of all those moments, I felt assured because of his presence. And I'm very thankful for that. J

Lately I found out something horrible happened to a classmate of mine who's ever cheerful and smiley. It reminds me of all those funerals that I have been to, and the fateful phone calls that I received on that very night. I can't imagine how I would be able to cope if it were me. I really hope he's doing alright.

Small matters in life, like my cap m test for example, are nothing right?

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